Sunday, December 7, 2008

Growing Flowers: Alyssum Flowers

Alyssum Flowers are beautiful tiny flower clusters atop green shiny leaves enhance any garden. The seedlings should be planted in early spring, in dryer soil, and about 8 inches apart giving the roots room for growth.

These plants do not like lots of water, but rather somewhat moist soil and bloom in both spring and fall. Shear this plant to ensure new growth thus keeping it full and bushy.

"Growing Flowers"

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Howdy There, and welcome to "Growing Flowers" the blogger based blog bringin' you the latest and greatest in flower cultivation techniques and instructions.

This Blog is designated for florists ,gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. we hope that you may find these pages beneficial. for questions,comments,contributions and loath msgs (maybe not the latter...)

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"Growing Flowers"